PuK 2024

Gemeinsamer Workshop
der Fachgruppen PuK und Wissensmanagement
KI24 und LWDA in Würzburg

Call for Papers

This workshop will bei a joint workshop of the SIG Planning/Scheduling/Configuration and Knowledge Representation within the AI group of the GI.

1) PuK:
Hosted by the special interest group “Planning, Scheduling, Design and Configuration” within the Artificial Intelligence section of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) the PuK workshop is the regular meeting of researchers and
practitioners interested in new developments regarding planning, scheduling, configuration, and design.
As in previous years the PuK workshop provides a forum
for the exchange of ideas, evaluations and experiences especially in the use of AI techniques within the corresponding application and research areas. With the actual hype in Artificial Intelligence applications the domains of planning, scheduling and design also increase in interest.
All topics of the PuK community are welcome.
Special Interest this year is in work on Integration of technologies into large language
models and what is coined to the word "Generative AI".


This is the annual workshop of the Special Interest Group on Knowledge Management (FGWM Fachgruppe Wissensmanagement).
Topics of interest include but are not limited to
• Knowledge Management – Theory and Applications
• Case-Based Reasoning and Experience Management
• Business Processes and Knowledge Management
• Semantic Technologies, Semantic Search, and Knowledge Graphs
• Combination of Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models
• Multi-modal Knowledge Management
• Explanations in Knowledge Management
• Design and Evaluation of Knowledge Management
• Agent-oriented Knowledge Management and Knowledge-based Agents
• Practical Experiences (“lessons learned”)
• Interdisciplinary Contributions and Applications (e.g., industry, medicine,
mathematics, economics, ecologies, digital humanities)

Submission Guidelines for PuK
  • Extended Abstracts
  • Short Papers (up to 6 pages).
  • Full papers (7 to 12 pages)
  • Resubmissions
Please send contribution as PDF-file to the PuK- co-chairs

Submission Guidelines for WM
Please see: https://www.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/lwda24/km/


15.07.2024 Papers/ Abstracts Due Date

11.08.2024 Notification of Acceptance

01.09.2024 Submission of Final
Documents (Papers, Presentations, Videos)

24.09.2024 Workshop PuK /WM

Workshop Co-Chairs

FG-PUK Co-Chairs

Jürgen Sauer
University of Oldenburg, Department for Computer Science,

Stefan Edelkamp
Computer Science Department. FEL/CTU in Prague.

FG-WM Co-Chairs

Dipl. Inf. Univ. Andreas Korger a.korger@angesagt-gmbh.de
Internet: www.angesagt-gmbh.de

Pascal Reuss
Institute for Computer Science, University of
Hildesheim, reusspa@uni-hildesheim.de
Programm, Dienstag, 24.09.2024

09:00 – 10:30
Chair: Jürgen Sauer
Jürgen Sauer
Stefan Edelkamp, Anders Jonsson
Stefan Edelkamp, Alberto Lluch Lafuente, Ionut Moraru
Invited Talk
Bernhard Nebel
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30 (Co-Session)
Chair: Jürgen Sauer
A Framework für Categorizing Product Configuration Systems (FGWM)
Joachim Baumeister, Konstantin Herud, Lukas Ley, Jochen Reutelshoefer
Gabriele Röger, Claudia Grundke
Farouk Beddiaf, René Schumann
Amy Liffey, Davide Calvaresi, Lora Fanda, René Schumann
12:30 – 14:00
Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:30 (Co-Session)
Chair: Stefan Edelkamp
Multi-Goal CBS (PUK)
Grigorios Mouratidis
Michael Staud
Integration Speech-Based Interfaces with
Large Language Models for Intuitive Database Queries (FGWM)

Abdullah Kiwan, Andreas Lommatzsch, Sahin Albayrak
15:30 – 16:00
Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:00 (Co-Session)
Chair: Pascal Reuss
Enhancing Cybercrime Investigations by Integration RAKE and Case-based Reasoning with Text Comparision Algorithms (FGWM)

Marc Krüger
Panel Diskussion:
Zukunft FG PUK und FG KM
Stefan Edelkamp, Jürgen Sauer, Andreas Korger, Pascal Reuss, Joachim Baumeister
Closing Remarks

Hosted by Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Datenschutz/ Impressum: siehe www.uni-oldenburg.de