Accepted Papers
the complete proceedings (papers 1-8) in PDF (7 MB)
1. Evolution of Configuration Models a Focus on Consistency
Thorsten Krebs
2. Augmenting JSHOP2 Planning with OWL-DL
Ronny Hartanto, Joachim Hertzberg
3. Extending Plant Packing
Matthias Postina, Rene Schumann, Sonja Aust, and Jan Behrens
4. Optimal Infinite-State Planning with Presburger Automata
Björn Borowsky, Stefan Edelkamp
5. Externalizing the Multiple Sequence Alignment Problem with Affine Gap Costs
Stefan Edelkamp, Peter Kissmann
6. A Region-based Direction Heuristic for Solving Underspecified Spatio-
temporal Planning Problems
Inessa Seifert
7. Ein hybrides Framework für Constraint-Solver zur Unterstützung wissensbasierter Konfigurierung
Wolfgang Runte
8. Modelling and Solving Workforce Scheduling Problems
Jürgen Sauer, Rene Schumann
9. Preference-based Scheduling of Hospital Scenarios
Karl-Heinz Krempels