The areas of planning, scheduling, design, and configuration
have many features in common and are often tackled by similar technologies.
However, the communities do not
overlap and joint meetings are rather rare. The workshop aims to provide a platform for
the exchange of ideas, concepts, and problems between researchers and practitioners
from the areas of planning, scheduling, design and configuration.
The workshop will be held on Tuesday, 18. September 2001 in
Wien as one of the workshops at the Joint
German/ Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2001). It is the
15th in a series of
workshops of the special
interest group on planning, scheduling and design (PuK) of the German Gesellschaft für Informatik.
Workshop attendancies have to be registered for the main
conference. For further information see hompepage of KI
Important dates
official publication of workshop / CfP
7. 7.2001:
papers due date
14.7.2001: notification
of acceptance
15.8.2001: camera ready papers
to workshop organizers
18.9.2001: workshop PuK2001
Program Committee
Susanne Biundo, Universität Ulm, D
Gerhard Friedrich, Universität Klagenfurt, A
Mario Girsch, Technische Universität Wien, A
Jana Köhler, Schindler AG, CH
Alexander Nareyek, GMD First, Berlin, D
Jürgen Sauer, Universität Oldenburg, D
Markus Stumptner, Technische Universität Wien, A
Dr. Jürgen Sauer
Universität Oldenburg, FB Informatik
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg, Germany
Tel.: ++49-441-9722-220
Fax: ++49-441-9722-202
e-mail: sauer@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de
Last updated: 15.08.2001
by Jürgen