CALL FOR PAPERS ECAI 2000 Workshop on New Results in Planning, Scheduling, and Design 14th Workshop of the Special Interest Group on Planning/ Scheduling and Design/ Configuration of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (PuK 2000) 21. - 22. August 2000 Berlin The workshop is the 14th in an annual series where researchers and practitioners present and discuss new approaches, systems and problem areas in planning, scheduling, design and configuration. Traditionally, the focus is on AI related topics including knowledge representation and problem solving as well as system design. The fields of planning, scheduling, and design are sharing methodologies and often use the same or similar AI based techniques. However, the communities do not overlap and joint meetings are rather rare. The workshop therefore aims in bringing together researchers as well as practitioners in the areas of planning, scheduling and design for the presentation and discussion of new problem areas, new problem solving approaches and new systems developed. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
The workshop will also be organized as a PLANET related meeting and receive special support by PLANET, the european network of excellence in planning (link: http://planet.dfki.de/). Participants of PLANET are especially invited to submit papers about their work within the network. Papers can present new concepts as well as finished projects. Please submit papers between 6 and 12 pages electronically (in pdf, word or postscript format) to the contact address below. The papers will be reviewed by the program committee and notification of acceptance will be until May, 3, 2000. Presentation of the papers will be limited to 20 minutes. Sufficent time for discussion will be after the presentations and in the working breaks between the sessions. Workshop papers will be published in the ecai workshop proceedings and in the ETAI, the Electronic Transactions on AI in planning and scheduling. All attendancies have to register for ECAI 2000. Important dates:
Program CommitteeRachid Alami, LAAS Toulouse, F ContactDr. Jürgen Sauer |